Pumpkin, sweet memories and an easy recipe

Pumpkin memories

I love pumpkins! The properties of this vegetable are many: it is antioxidant, a good intestinal regulator, and an effective sedative in case of insomnia (good for children and elder people, therefore).

When I was a child, Rina was the housekeeper in my grandfather’s house. My grandmother died very young and Rina (actually Fantastic Rina) took her place at home. By us little girls (my sisters and me) Rina was considered as an oracle, the best storyteller of the world and perfect in everything she did.

While she was preparing dinner, or ironing our grandfather’s countless shirts, Rina talked and talked, telling us detailed tales, full of thriller shades that nailed us to the armchair (only one for us three girls).

Every time she decided to prepare the pumpkin ravioliour job was to remove the seeds, to clean them carefully and place them on a sheet of paper over the radiator. The following day,  the stories were even more interesting and we listened to themsquatting on the armchair and, like three hamsters, munching pumpkin seeds. Never food has been more tasty!

And now a very easy recipe


  • half a pumpkin
  • rosemary or sage or thyme
  • salt and pepper
  • extra-virgin olive oil   


  • Wash the pumpkin
  • Remove the seeds
  • Cut the pumpkin into slices
  • Place it on a tray, lined with moistened baking paper
  • Add salt, herbs and oil
  • Put in the oven at 200°C
  • Serve lukewarm
  • Enjoy it!

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